Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Presidents Speech to Nations Schools: Good or Bad?

There has been a lot of debate recently about President Obamas' speech to all the nations schoolchildren. Many parents have been up in arms about the idea of their kids being forced to watch. This seeming ly knee jerk reaction stems from the fear of their children being brainwashed with political ideals that do not match their own. That is a valid fear and they have the right to be concerned. However in this instance the reaction has been unfounded, uniformed and frankly does not speak well of us as a nation.

That's right folks, The Common Free Man is defending President Barack Obama. There is no need to adjust your monitors.

This unfortunate situation is a superb example of the utter futility of the "us and them" mentality that pollutes our society. Until we can move away from that we will never evolve as a people. For the past two weeks we have been hearing screams of "propaganda" and "socialist agenda". If this speech is an example of a socialist agenda then I must be a closet socialist. Sorry to say folks that it looks like the only propaganda being sold here is coming from the right.

I would like to ask all of the parents who read this to go through the speech (link below). I would like you to read through it carefully, forgetting everything you have heard from Limbaugh, from Beck or from any other media outlets. Approach it as if this is the first time you ever heard about it. Then I want you to decide for yourself, using only what you have read in that speech if you still think it is brainwashing the little darlings. I would also like you to ask yourselves if you would have had the same reaction a year ago under a different President.

We need to put this petty squabbling behind us if we are to move on. This is going to mean that each of us needs to start thinking for ourselves and not just going with what "your" party says. Remember that the next time you go to vote. If you truly do not like the GOP candidate or the Dem candidate, then find a third party and vote for them. The idea of voting for the lesser evil is making a mockery out of democracy.

So to answer the initial question of good or bad? In this case I would say good.

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Back to School Event

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